The Garden Bloggers Fling began in spring 2008 as a meet-up for garden bloggers across the U.S. It soon became a must-attend, blogger-run, annual event (paused only by the pandemic) hosted by organizers in a different city each year. Today the Fling has grown - while its name has shortened - to include content creators across the international online garden media.
Why Fling? If you're an attendee, do it to explore exciting private and public gardens and connect with other garden writers, photographers, podcasters, and video-makers on public social media platforms. If you're a sponsor, do it to introduce your products to people who can share them with their gardening audiences. If you're a host, do it to share your city's gardens and gardening culture with others who, like you, love to share about gardening online. Join us!

Next Fling: Memphis, TN
June 5-8, 2025
Get ready to Fling! In June 2025 the Fling heads to Memphis, Tennessee. Kim Halyak, Sharron Johnson, and John Simi are leading the planning team, and they have some amazing garden tours lined up. Join us! Contact the organizers for more info.

Interested in Hosting?
The Fling goes where our volunteer hosts take us. If you'd like to show off your city to the world, consider hosting. You'll have time to get organized, as we try to schedule a few years out. Plus, you won't be alone! We have your back with a detailed handbook and Fling advisory board support.