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We want your opinion!

Are you a garden blogger?

If you’ve ever attended a Garden Bloggers Fling or have an interest in attending, we’d love to get your opinion! We want to know what you enjoy most about the Fling, where you’d like to see a Fling hosted, and what you’d like to see more of at the event. And if you haven’t attended a Fling, we’d like to know why.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey. We promise – it’s short! We need all responses by September 21st, but why not take a few moments to fill it out right now?

Please feel free to share the link with other garden bloggers, including those who have not attended a Fling. You can simply post this link on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter to invite others to participate:

As you know, each Fling is put together and hosted by generous volunteers – bloggers like yourselves – and we have no formal committee to oversee planning. However, in the interest of passing along planning information from year to year and publicizing the event, a small advisory group made up of former Fling hosts is managing some basic administrative tasks and updating this website from time to time. Currently you’ll find a brief update about next year’s Fling, which will be held in San Francisco. The local planning committee for the San Francisco Fling is still being put together – more information will follow from them soon, including the dates for the 2013 Fling.

Again, thanks for filling out the survey and sharing your opinions with us, and please help us publicize it. Thanks so much!

Pam Penick / Digging


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