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Thanks, hosts & sponsors!

We still have another day of official Fling and a post-day visit — what fun!

But I’ve been so appreciative of the great garden hosts we’ve had so far – Damaris and Ricki Pierce at Wamboldtopia, Christopher Mello at Gnomon, Safi and DeWayne at Burton Street Community Peace Garden, Melissa and the owner (whose name I don’t know) of Sunny Point Cafe.

Peter and Jasmin Gentling were extraordinary gardeners and wonderful hosts today and Parker, Susanna, and LeeAnn were equally gracious at Biltmore Estate.

Pattiy from Curve Studios (our lunch location yesterday) sent a nice note along with a link to these photos of our group in her garden (posted to her studio Facebook page). She said “thanks again to all your folks for making such a fun afternoon in my garden. it was a joy! please stay in touch!”

And the swag this evening — WOW! Thanks to all of the sponsors who contributed everything from seeds to worm castings. I had no idea (thanks to Helen Yoest for being the sponsor point-person!) Two bags of goodies!

Special thanks to our blogger community for contributing through their businesses or directly — and to Nan Chase, too, for contributing her home as the mailing address. If you’re here on Monday, don’t miss visiting her garden and bark house on the post-Fling breakfast visit.

And if you have a bit more time — the nearby gardens marked on the map that was in your packet are well worth exploring — and the Botanical Gardens of Asheville – a 50+ year old native plant garden adjacent to UNC-Asheville (founded by a previous owner of the Gentling’s property) are a local treasure.

I haven’t had time to even download my own photos yet, but look forward to seeing yours!



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