Every time I have a problem area in my garden that I try to solve with wrong plant after wrong plant, I feel like I’m lost on a dating site where every match is the wrong one. It would be handy if I could stumble on a website with categories such as “This will grow come hell or high water”. But the tough plants from the Southern Living Plant Collection are guaranteed to thrive in Virginia’s hot, humid summers. It looks like I finally found my perfect match.
Plants from the Southern Living Plant Collection are designed to solve specific landscape problems and thrive in southern gardens.
The Southern Living Plant Finder makes it easy to find sturdy performers such as crepe myrtles, camellias, loropetalum, and other heat lovers for all your stubborn spots. Southern Living is excited to introduce several new selections such as ‘Lime Sizzler’ firebush, ‘Osage Thornless’ blackberry, and ‘October Magic White Shi-shi’ camellia.
‘Lime Sizzler’ firebush
‘October Magic White Shi-Shi’ camellia
At their awesome website you can shop online at or cruise such handy categories such as expert videos, style advice, and the plant finder. Check them out!