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We're only 105 days away from this year's 2025 Memphis Garden Fling, June 5-8, optional day on June 9th. So if you're reading this and haven't registered...submit your validation form with social links and we will send you the registration link. Memphis Fling Validation Form.

This year’s Garden Fling is heading South! Our attendees are arriving from all parts of the globe. We have Flingers flying in from the UK, Australia, Canada, and all across the U.S. Our attendees have blogs, Instagram accounts, YouTube videos, Facebook pages, and podcasts. We've included their links.
Please explore who’s coming by checking their social media links, then follow, like, and share with your friends.
Noelle Johnson - AZplantlady, @az.plant.lady, youtube,
Andrea Whitely - Andrea Whitely Gardens, @AndreaWhitely Garden, andrea_whitelygarden, Podcasts
Debb Cozzi - @acozzigarden
Frank Eddy - Americans in the Garden
Jim Bishop - My Life With Plants on Facebook, My Life with Plants Blog, Youtube
Michael Collins - Mike’s Urban Garden, @mikesurbangarden
Sue Webel - @musabasjoosue
Becca Mathias - @GardensByBecca, @BeccaMathiasPhoto, Becca Mathias Photo,
Liane Schleifer - Georgia Perennial FB , @georgiaperennial, Georgia Perennial
Lucy Mercer - @acookandherbooks, A Cook and Her Books FB, A Cook and Her Books
Judy Hertz - Garden in a City
Natasha Nicholes - We Sow We Grow FB, @WeSowWeGrow, We Sow We Grow
Rachel Balk - Small Boots Gardening FB, @gardenrach, Small Boots Gardening
Kristin Bailey Wilson - Wild Ones Middle TN Chapter, @wildonesmidtn, Goldenrod Natives
Kathy Jenz - Washington Garden Magazine FB, @wdcgardener, Washington Gardener blog, YouTube, Garden DC podcast
Lolly Jewett - The Bees' Knees, @beeskneesdesignllc, Bees' Knees Design
Teri Speight - Teri Speight FB, @CottageInCourt, Cottage in the Court blog
Natalie Carmolli - Natalie Carmolli Garden PR FB, Natalie Carmolli YouTube, @NatalieGardenPR
Susan Betz - @susanbetzherbs, Fresh Start Herbs
Angie Lueschen - Angie Lueschen, @angelinapepperoni, Lakeville Area Garden Club,
Katie Swartzer - @firsteditionsshrubstrees, firsteditionsshrubstrees, First Editions Plants, Threads, Youtube, Pinterest
Mary Schier - @mynortherngarden_mary, My Northern Garden, My Northern Garden YouTube
Rebecca Swee - Minnesota State Horticultural Society FB, @mnhort, Northern Gardener, MN State Horticultural Society YouTube
New Hampshire
Jill Nooney - Bedrock Gardens Website, Bedrock Gardens FB, @Bedrock_Gardens
Robert Munger - Bedrock Gardens Website, Bedrock Gardens FB, @Bedrock-Gardens
New York
Elizabeth Licata - Garden Rant, @gardenrant, @ealicata, Elizabeth Licata FB
Jay Jinge Hu - Jay Jinge Hu FB, @jayjingehu, Whispers in the Garden YouTube
Jim Charlier - Jim Charlier FB, @jimcharlier, Art of Gardening,
Diane Couch - Scapes 'N Paints FB, @scapesnpaints
Debra Mitchell - @debrasuemitchell
Gail Wynne - Gail Wynne FB, @gbwynne
Ontario, Canada
Margaret Mishra - The Gardening Me, @thegardeningme, The Gardening Me YouTube
Jerry Weiland - Botanica Chaotica, @botanicachaotic
Kevin Gepford - The Fuchsietum | A Garden in Portland
R. Theo Margelony - The Fuchsietum | A Garden in Portland, The Fuchsietum | A Garden in Portland Facebook
Amy Fedele - Pretty Purple Door FB, @prettypurpledoor, Pretty Purple Door, Pretty Purple Door Design YouTube
Andrew Bunting - https://www.instagram.com/abunting64/
Christopher Sheridan - Flower Sommelier, @flower.sommelier.dotcom,
Kimberley Protzman - Kimberley Protzman FB, Cosmos and Cleome
Lisa Lindquist - Lisa Lindquist FB, Back Mountain Bloomers FB, @hardygeranium6
Nancy McKee - @nancywithaflower
South Carolina
Janet Ledebuhr - The Queen of Seaford, @janetledebuhr, The Queen of Seaford FB
Jim Martin - @compostinmyshoes, Compost in my Shoes, Compost in my Shoes FB
Lana Justice - Raising Catherine FB, @raising_catherine
Adam Queen - https://www.instagram.com/hortusvaria/, Dixon Gardens You Tube, Adam Queen FB
Barbara Wise - Crescent Garden, @crescentgarden, Crescent Garden FB
Jason Reeves - In the Garden FB,
John Simi - John Simi FB
Kim Halyak - Experience Memphis Gardens FB, Cooper-Young Garden Walk FB, KIm Halyak FB
Michelle Reimert - GardenGallivants
Sharron Johnson - Experience Memphis Gardens, Cooper-Young Garden Club
Caroline Homer - Shovel Ready Garden
Diana Kirby - Dianas Designs Austin, @dianasdesignsaustin, Diana C Hanna Kirby FB, Diana's Designs YouTube
Natalie McAnarney - @ninjatheplant, The Plant Ninja YouTube
Pam Penick - Digging, @pamdigging, Pam Penick - Digging
Vicki Blachman - @vbdb_austx, Playin Outside
United Kingdom
Victoria Summerley - Victoria Summerley FB, @victoriasummerley, Tales From Awkward Hill
Pilar Hernandez - @pilarysusplantas, Pilar Hernandez FB
Washington, D.C.
Shari Wilson - @nutsfornatives, Nuts For Natives
Andrew Young - CobraHead FB, CobraHead Blog, @cobrahead, CobraHead GardeningTools YouTube
Anneliese Valdes - CobraHead FB, @CobraHead, CobraHead Blog, CobraHead Gardening Tools YouTube
Danniel Ward Packard - @danniel.ward.parker, Obsessed Midwest Gardener
Laura Wills - @foodflowersfabric, Wills Family Acres
Beth Stetenfeld - PlantPostings, Beth Stetenfeld FB, @plantposting