Our official Fling 2015 group shot from Ward’s Island, Toronto
The Toronto Fling has flung, and everyone who came seems to have had a Flingtastic time! That’s gratifying for us on the organizing committee, and we thank you all so much for coming.
Here are links to our bloggers’ posts about their experiences in Toronto. Much more was shared on Twitter and other social media, including the Garden Bloggers Fling Facebook group page. Although hashtags don’t live forever, look for the #GBFling15 hashtag on Facebook or on Twitter and on the lovely images from the #GBFling15 tag on Instagram.
Here are a few of the nice things you’ve said:
“Absolutely LOVED the fling this year! Thank you everyone for making me feel welcome even though I’m a plant newbie!” (Brandon, Colorado)
“Thank you Helen, Sarah, Lorraine, and Veronica for sharing your incredible city! As a first time flinger I was blown away by the magnitude of this event. Your countless hours of planning that took place behind the scenes made for a flawless fling. Every stop was a new adventure and gave a real taste of the diversity of gardeners there are in the Toronto area. It was such a treat to meet all my blogger friends, those I’ve known for years on-line and others for the first time. Y’all are amazing! And a special thank you to Janet for being my fling mentor and taking me under your wing.” (Janet, Georgia)
Toronto’s famous skyline
Your Fling/Toronto overviews:
#GBFling15 on CityGardening’s Flipboard, Ontario (Flipboard login required)
Toronto Garden Bloggers Fling – What is a garden?, The Arch City Gardener, Missouri
Flinging in Toronto, Homegrown – Adventures in my Garden, Ontario
We’re Flinging in Toronto, Garden Rant (Elizabeth Licata, New York) Garden Bloggers Fling 2015: Highlights, Southern Wild, South Carolina
Thursday, June 4
Our opening night at Lee Valley Tools
A Texan post from the Garden Bloggers Fling Facebook group:
“Dear Lee Valley Tools,
Our generous opening night sponsor, Lee Valley Tools on King Street West I am in love with your website! I have had a thing about tools ever since my Grandfather (gruff scary man) let me play with all his carpentry tools and helped me build a boat when I was six. I have been looking for a good source of useful tools and other practical things forever. I found you even have great shorts with tons of pockets that my husband will love. I am going to live dangerously and sign up for your email updates! The tools you gave us at the Garden Bloggers Fling are going to be used by our crew…I can see us needing more. Now how to spend my gift certificate….. Sincerely, Laurin of Ravenscourt P.S. Flingers….pass the word about this very cool company!”
Friday, June 5
Hillside garden in Swansea
The leafy lanes of Algonquin Island
Small Gardens with Big Impact: Toronto Islands and Cabbagetown, Yard Fanatic, Texas Fling preview: The Gardens of Toronto Islands, Garden Bloggers Fling Blog The Gardens of Ward and Algonquin Islands, #GBFling15, Ravenscourt Gardens, Texas
Forest Hill private garden
Saturday, June 6
Sunday, June 7
Ideas for cabbage-sized patios, Central Texas Gardener, Texas A City Within a Park, Open Gardens Niagara, Ontario
Cabbagetown private garden
The Toronto Botanical Garden terrace
Niagara-on-the-Lake private garden
Monday, June 8 (our optional Niagara day)
What’s in a name? Southern Wild, South Carolina
Fling preview: Shaw Festival gardens Niagara-on-the-Lake, Garden Bloggers Fling Blog
A prairie garden in Niagara, The Paintbox Garden, Ontario A Niagara garden tour in three acts, The Paintbox Garden, Ontario
Tuesday, June 9 (our unofficial sidetrip to Wild Flower Farm)
The UK’s Garden Media Guild learns about the Fling: To read the article, open the image below in a new tab and use the magnifier.
