We've just about approached capacity for the 2023 Philadelphia Area Fling happening September 21-24. There are still technically 6 spots left so If you're reading this and haven't registered...get your request to K@karlgercens.com with those social links ASAP.

It has been an absolutely breathtaking spring here in America's Garden Capital and I've been out capturing as much of the beauty as I can. I hope your plans include arriving before the tour and staying afterwards to take in a few more of the 30+ public gardens available to you. Check out https://americasgardencapital.org/ to chart your additional stops.
The deposit has been submitted for all transportation and for the Saturday evening banquet. We'll be hosted at Stoneleigh Mansion on September 23rd. Check out the house and garden we'll get to explore! https://stoneleighgarden.org/garden/home/
If you're a first-time attendee then let us know! We like to include that on your badge so that seasoned Flingers can help you get the most out of the event. If you're a multi-year Fling attendee then reply with that as well. It's always fun to have a little background for context. Reply to this post and I'll start gathering that info to include on your badge.
Be sure to engage in our social media platforms with pics or stories about your garden and adventures. That'll be a great way for everyone to start getting to know everyone as well. Let me know if something isn't captured correctly on the document below. I'll be happy to correct it! A special thanks to Janet for assisting with the names, states and links!!!
This year’s Garden Fling in Philadelphia’s attendees are from near and far, and I do mean far. We have attendees from Australia, the UK and Canada, and states all across the U.S. Our attendees have blogs, Instagram accounts, YouTube videos, Facebook pages, and podcasts. We tried to include most of the links. Please explore who’s coming and welcome all newcomers.
Kim Rabbidge - @ouraustraliangardens
Victoria Summerley - Tales from Awkward Hill
Helen Battersby - Toronto Gardens, @gardenfix, @gardenfix on Twitter
Janet Davis - The Paintbox Garden
Margaret Mishra - The Gardening Me
Joanne Shaw - Down2Earth, Podcast
Michael Collins - Mike’s Urban Garden
Michelle Derviss - @michellederviss
David Feix - @david_feix
Kathy Stoner - GardenBook
Idelle Fisher / Picklewix - Sandia Seed, Good Environmental News
Judith Seaborn - Founder of Botanical Interests
Donna Waters - Sun&Snow YouTube channel
Jennifer McGuinness - Frau Zinnie, @frau_zinnie
Susan Webel-Idyll - Haven on the Rocks @musabasjoosue
David Stacey - @david.stacey.10
Cydney Wade - Rose Petals Nursery
Mary Ann Newcomer - Gardens of the Wild Wild West
Rachel Balk - Small Boots Gardening @gardenrach
Judy Hertz - Garden in a City
Natasha Nicholes - We Sow We Grow
Terri Speight - Cottage in the Court
Amy Ellsworth DeWald - Decolonize the Garden
Susan Harris - Garden Rant
Kathy Jentz - Washington Gardener Magazine
Claire Jones - The Garden Diaries
Angela Lituri - Angie The Freckled Rose
Jana Milbocker - Enchanted Gardens
Deborah Trickett - The Captured Garden, @thecapturedgarden
Natalie Carmolli - Proven Winners Plant of the Week, @nataliegardenpr, @NatalieGardenPR on YouTube
Kathleen Hennessy - @bold_north_home
Mary Schier - My Northern Garden
Angie Lueschen - Instagram
Gretchen McNaughton -https://www.baileynurseries.com/
Robert Munger - Bedrock Gardens, @bedrock_gardens
Jill Nooney - Bedrock Gardens, @bedrock_gardens
Lisa Wagner - Natural Gardening and Places of the Spirit
Jim Charlier - Art of Gardening
Johanna Dominguez - @putaplant.onit
Kathleen Guest - Smug Creek Gardens
Elizabeth Licata - Garden Rant
Kathy Purdy - Cold Climate Gardening, @kopurdy
Laura Boissonnault - https://www.instagram.com/howsitgrowingnj/?hl=en
Kylee Baumle - Our Little Acre
Dee Nash - Red Dirt Ramblings
Loree Bohl - danger garden
Courtney Downing - Green Artisans, @greenartisans
Jane Finch-Howell - MulchMaid
Lois Moss - Garden Dot Tours
Heather Tucker - Just a Girl with a Hammer
Heather Andrews - The Thoughtful Gardener
Audrey Angelella - @audangelgrows
Margaret Burke - @pegburke910
Amy Fedele - Pretty Purple Door
Karl Gercens - @karl_gercens_ ,Facebook, TikTok
Lisa Lindquist - Lisa Lindquist, Back Mountain Bloomers
Kimberley Protzman - Cosmos and Cleome
Christopher Sheridan - The Flower Sommelier, @billion.blooms.media
Bruce Gangawer -https://www.paxsonhillfarm.com/
Andrew Bunting https://www.instagram.com/abunting64/?hl=en
Margo Rabb @margo_rabb
Jourdan Cole https://www.instagram.com/jourdancole/?hl=en
Layanee DeMerchant - Ledge and Gardens, @layaneed
Janet Ledebuhr - The Queen of Seaford, @janetledebuhr
Jim Martin - Compost in My Shoe
Julie Thompson-Adolf - @juliesgardendelights
Gail Eichelberger - Clay and Limestone
Kim Halyak - @experiencememphisgardens, Experience Memphis Gardens
Sharron Johnson - CY Garden Club
Barbara Wise - @crescentgarden
Vicki Blachman - Playin’ Outside
Lori Daul - The Gardener of Good and Evil, @loridauldesign
Pilar Hernandez Silva - Chilean Food and Garden
Caroline Homer - The Shovel-Ready Garden, @caroline_atx
Catherine Jones - @cat_jones_atx
Diana Kirby - Diana’s Designs, @dianasdesignsaustin
Ann Lamb - Dallas Garden Buzz
Jean McWeeney - @jean_mcweeney
Pam Penick - Digging, @pamdigging
Cindy Tournier - My Corner of Katy, @mcok
Starla Willis - Dallas Garden Buzz
Connie Hilker - @hartwoodroses
Peggy Riccio - PegPlant
Marianne Willburn - Garden Rant
Cheryl Kass - https://www.facebook.com/AYRHILLGARDENCLUB
Donna Bogumill - @olygardenaddict
Cindy Funes - @gardenrevelry, @GardenRevelry on Twitter
Lynette Stixrud Lampson - @gritcitygardens
Gillian Mathews - @garden.girl.seattle
Camille Paulsen - @tahomaflora
Paula Rothkopf -
Nita-Jo Rountree - @nitajorountree
Shari Wilson - Nuts for Natives
Erin Schanen - The Impatient Gardener
Beth Stetenfeld - PlantPostings
Anneliese Valdes - CobraHead
Laura Wills - Wills Family Acres, @foodflowersandfabric
Andy Young - CobraHead
Danniel Ward-Packard - Obsessed Midwest Gardener

Today's images are from https://www.jenkinsarboretum.org/ one of the jewels in America's Garden Capital
Been Flinging since 2009! Can’t wait to do it again! Jean @jean_mcweeney
Hello, First time to the Fling and looking forward to visiting these east coast gardens.
I have been professionally tending to residential gardens in San Francisco since 2003 and blogging since 2007. I have also been hosting small groups in the English countryside visiting their gardens. I now want to make this evolve into something more.
Michael Collins
New to the Fling! Also I moved so join in from Seattle.
Pilar H.
Seasoned Fling attendee! Looking forward to this one! Thanks Karl.