Next Fling: Memphis, Tennessee
June 5-8, 2025 (plus optional bonus day 6/9)
Get ready to Fling! In June 2025 the Fling heads to Memphis, Tennessee. Kim Halyak, Sharron Johnson, and John Simi are leading the planning team, and they have some amazing garden tours lined up. Join us! For more info, contact the organizers.

Interested in Hosting?
The Fling goes where volunteer bloggers or other social media publishers are willing to host. So if you'd like your city to be represented, consider offering to organize a Fling in your hometown. We're scheduling a few years out, so get your city on the lineup now! Not sure what it entails? We're happy to talk with you about it. And you won't be on your own. We'll have your back with a detailed hosting handbook and an experienced advisory board.

We can't thank our sponsors enough for their support of the Flings! For their financial support and donations, sponsors receive a listing and/or ad space in our sponsor directory, and for certain levels a feature on our blog. Each attendee receives a swag bag with a sponsor directory and sponsored items like seeds and garden tools.

We also hold an exciting raffle where attendees win gardening tools, seeds, products, gift certificates, and more from our generous sponsors.

Follow us on Instagram! And we encourage you to post about the Fling with our hashtag #gardenfling2025 (updated each year)